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Steve Zafarana

Principal Designer
 Tel: 978-952-6200

Fax: 978-952-6260

E-mail: zafarana@galapagosdesign.com
 Steve has over 20 years experience as a type designer and artist. Before becoming one of the founders of Galápagos Design Group in 1994, Steve honed his type design skills at Compugraphic Corporation, and later as a member of the senior design staff at Bitstream, Inc., in Cambridge, Massachusetts. During his ten years at Bitstream, Steve was a primary contributor to the evolution of one of the world's most prestigious digital type libraries.

Steve holds a certificate in Fine Art, as well as one in Commercial Art, both from the Monserratt School of Art. He also studied film animation at the Carpenter Center.

Steve's interest in illustrations and cartoons is reflected in some of his original type designs, which include the cartoon lettering font ITC Fontoon,™ the whimsical ITC Fontoonies,™ ITC Gargoonies,™ and ITC Backyard Beatsties™ (and ITC Toonies™ Family which is a collection of all four fonts). Steve is also the designer of the controversial Safefont™ GD, as well as the more traditional typefaces Tangient™ GD and Wakefield™ GD.

Without a doubt, Steve's professional cachet ranges from the dark and disturbing to the light and lucid.

Occasionally Steve stares at type a little too long and his eyes start buggin'...

Other senior staff
 Michael Leary   Larry Oppenberg
 Dennis Pasternak   George Ryan
Illustration by Steve Zafarana

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