Designed by Steve Zafarana
Typically, typefaces contain letterforms used to form words, which provide the tools our species uses to express ideas and to communicate. Sometimes, typefaces contain ideograms which more directly express those ideas. There are times, however, when we need to express ourselves in subtler ways, with a less clear relationship to the world of ideas.
Fortunately, we have Steve Zafarana to provide us with the images we need for just such occasions. ITC Fontoonies No. 1 is a collection of characters cultivated over a period of years, and used by Steve when exploring alternate realities specifically, cartoon comic strips.
Steves motivation for creating this eclectic typefest of zany illustrations was nothing more than to typographically amuse us, as he explains. Those looking to find deeper meaning in these drawings will find themselves, cautions Steve, in dark and disturbing areas, where even I fear to tread.
Dont forget to have a look at the companion text typeface, ITC Fontoon. Those interested in additional
creatures should be sure to visit ITC Backyard
Beasties and ITC Gargoonies. Youll also find ITC Fontoonies included in the ITC
Toonies Family.